The Novak YJ Wrangler V8 Swap Products List

Novak offers complete Jeep YJ powertrain conversion kits, with everything in mind from the radiator to the fuel kit, we have covered as many bases from our side as possible. We have compiled the best all around kit from years of installs, tech calls, sales data, and experience. To learn more about the building of the our Turn-Key Powertrains.

GM engine to AX15 and 231

Jeep YJ with Vortec Powertrain

Below is a sample list of the parts and systems that go into our kits. Click on a part to learn more about it.

Since there are variations in every build, we recommend you contact us via phone or email and we can organize an order to fit your exact needs and help your conversion go as smooth as possible. To learn more about what it takes to convert your YJ, see our Swap Guide.

YJ V8 5.3L V8 with Auto Transmission: Starting at $17,799

GM engine test stand

YJ 5.3L V8 with Manual Transmission: Starting at $18,199

SM465 Transmission with TurnKey Vortec Powertrain

An install-ready 5.3L Vortec engine with SM465 transmission, crated to ship to its new home in a Jeep

1 Year Limited Warranty on Engine, 90 day on accessories. Contact us for details.