JK Auto Transmission Cable Shifter Upgrade Kit

JK transmission shifter upgrade kit

#SK5X, Kit, automatic transmission shifter, JK cable bushing, clamp, fix

The Jeep JK transmission cable shifter works well from the factory. But with time, use, and corrosion, the stock cable bushings and retention clips deteriorate and eventually fail. This kit replaces the most common failure points of the transmission cable shifter.

Included with the kit are two brass split bushings, step bushing, clamp and retaining rings (an extra provided for backup).

Installation time is approximately 30 minutes.

assembled view
Assembled view - bearing end removed for clarity


linkage removed from sector
Pry the cable end free of the pin on the transmission arm with a pry tool
push bushing out of bearing end
Push the old rubber bushing out
install first split bushing
Install the first split bushing. Use sticky grease to hold it in place
install second split bushing
Install the second split bushing
test it step bushing
Test fit the step bushing
push the step bushing into the bearing end
Push the step bushing into the bearing end
slip the bearing end assembly over the split bushings
Grease the bore and slip the bearing end assembly over the split bushings. Install the snap ring and it's completed

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