Auto Transmission Cooling Components

Auto transmission fluid cooler for Jeeps
Auto transmission fluid cooler for Jeeps

Cooling for an auto transmission in your conversion is no small matter. Keeping a transmission cool is absolutely key to a long life. We have several products that are top quality, durable, easy to install, and offer the best balance of cooling for your rig.

We've developed some real preferences for transmission coolers, and this stacked plate style cooler is efficient and durable. The Dana version measures 11" x 11-7/8" x 1-1/2" thick and the Northern version measures 9" x 10" x 1-1/4" thick. It comes with mounting ties and hardware. It fits well into the space in front of the radiator (and AC condenser, if equipped) and behind the grill slats of CJ, FSJ, XJ, YJ, TJ and JK Jeeps with conversion transmissions and engines.

Related Products

Stainless coolant overflow tank
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Radiators for Jeeps

Installation Requirements

Depending on the method of installation, typical mechanic's hand tools with others possible depending on your choice of mounting the cooler and securing the lines. Please note that late model 4L60E, 4L80E along with the 6L80E and 6L90E require special fittings.

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